Friday, February 16, 2007

Conversation over lunch

Me: "So you're moving in with your boyfriend soon, right? How you feeling about that?"

A: "Loving it. I'm going to get my washing done, the cooking done, someone else will keep the fridge stocked so I don't have to steal my flatmates' butter..."

B: "Does he know he's doing all this?"

A: "Well, he's the one who wanted to move in together."

B: "So he has to pay forever?"

A: "Look - he likes cleaning."

Me: "Nobody really likes cleaning."

B: "He just has a lower filth tolerance than you. Which, to be fair, is not hard."

A: "Hey..."

B [to me]: "A rat died in her flat."

[I have flashbacks to this book.]

B: "They didn't remove it. For days."

[The flashbacks continue.]

A: "We thought it might get better."

1 comment:

ThePurpleOwl said...

I've lived with a few of those dead-rat housemates (I guess everybody did, hey?), but the best was the guy who insisted on doing all my ironing 'because you can't do it right; you just look so *crinkled* all the time'. The teach 'em to iron good in the army. Sigh. I miss that. I hate ironing.