Monday, February 12, 2007

Lazy blog content alert

Pilfered (and slightly edited) from wytchfynder.

1. Ever punch someone in the face? Why?
No, only a feisty slap. Because he was ungentlemanly. He didn't seem bothered, so I slapped him again, harder. His girlfriend was not amused... but he made me an actual apology, with flowers, shortly thereafter. I was quite proud of this, at the time.

2. Where in your life are you? Just beginning, midway, none of the above?
I suspect I'll always feel I'm just beginning. But at the same time, I've already gotten further than I ever expected.

3. Are you single or taken? If taken, where?
Taken. Soon to be taken on honeymoon to Eeeetaleeee! (What? It's only five years late...)

4. Do you double-dip snacks/finger food?
*blush* Only among good friends. If they do it first. Or aren't looking.

5. Would you have any real-life ambition if you had perfect, lucid, coherently picaresque dreams every night?
*light dawns*
I do have astonishingly entertaining dreams.
And I am singularly lacking in ambition.

6. Could you spend a night in a morgue?
I don't see the problem. Dead people are just dead people. I've never understood why ghosts are supposed to be scary, either.

7. Have you ever wished someone real, physical harm or death?
Yes. But only for a minute.

8. Do you like Bush, the [US] president?
He has united the world (albeit only in mockery of him). Give the man a prize.

9. What happens when you die? How about when I die? And when a manatee dies?
I get buried in a cardboard box, after my body gets looted for whatever organs look useful. The manatee quietly sinks to the ocean floor and gets et. As for you, well, that depends on whatever arrangements you've made; don't ask me.

10. We escape. Where to, and how?
We rise up, rise up with fists, and fight our way to a land of free chocolate, and feather duvets. And no alarm clocks. At all. Ever.

11. Would you rather date a cop or a dealer in hard drugs?
Do I have to?
Okay, having given the matter some thought, I'll take a man in uniform.

12. What's the easiest way to distinguish Alanis Morisette from Ani di Franco?
Offer her a plate of poutine. If she recognises it as food, she's Canadian.

13. What is your fondest memory of a boy/girl/otherfriend?
It involves a mole, not on my face, being called a beauty spot. I bet he doesn't even remember, but it changed the way I saw myself.

14. If you could change anything about me, what would you change?
Wytchfynder dear, I would tone down that stirring habit just a tad. (Yes yes, I know, you don't stir. Whatever.)

15. It's a stay-at-home Saturday, you're all alone. What do you wear?
Winter: flannel PJs. Summer: not much.

16. Pee in the shower much?
EWWWWW! (I like that "much". Like it's a normal thing. You just keep telling yourself that, dear.)

17. Justice. Your thoughts?
If there were any justice in the world, I could eat all the chocolate I want, and there would be no alarm clocks. None.

18. If you only had one day to live, and my company, what would we do together?
This being Wytchfynder? Probably argue. (But, you know, in a friendly, stimulating and entirely constructive way.)

19. What is your favorite thing about puppies?
BELLIES! Fuzzy bellies! Oh yes. Mmmm. Puppy bellies.

I want a puppy.

20. Jessica Biel or Jessica Simpson - YOU CAN ONLY SAVE ONE! Who lives?
I do.

21. What's your favorite skin color?
Freckly, and anybody who loves me had better say the same, you hear? You hear? Freckles must reclaim the respect of the world!

22. If you could bring back anyone that has passed, who would it be?
Buffy. Buffy should totally come back on TV. And it's not like she doesn't have plenty of practice at the whole resurrection thing.

23. Good genes or suck-tacular? If the first, planning to propagate them?
Pretty good. I didn't get the genius bits, but I do seem to have avoided the lunacy, so that's okay. Most of the rest of my problems are of my own making. As for propagation — not that the world needs it, but I'm afraid it will probably happen, yes.


vivaldifan said...


I hardly ever dream (or at least remember any of it) and if i do, it's usually so nonsensical as to be filed under 'WTF?'.

And in Real Life, I can't sit still. Onwards and upwards, and all that.

I think you're on to something here.

Pyrautomata said...

In my original survey, I found it most amusing to compare people's horrified responses to the shower question, to their enthusiastic replies to the oral sex question (which you edited out, you big ol' prude). But that's just me.

As for the stirring, I concede the behavior if not the implied bellicosity. If people didn't bruise so easily, I'd do it more.

More pleasantly, I really enjoyed reading your responses. Clearly knowing you - no matter how distantly - is a kind of renewable resource.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Not a prude, just not a sexblogger. It is, as others have said, an editorial policy. I like to talk about sex, but somehow, not remotely interested in the sexblogging.

Thanks for the questions. And the compliment. I'm all about sustainability, me.

(About that peeing in the shower thing. It's just so... original. In the shower or the pool, those are familiar concepts; but in the shower?!)