Thursday, April 19, 2007

My favourite things: part the second

Warm, soft flannel jammies.
That remind me of sweets.

The pretty white and brown one (a nightshirt — the perfect sleeping attire) puts me in mind of expensive chocolate truffles. The kind that come in boxes decorated with prints just like that. And the pink ones — well, don't they just *smell* like jellybeans?* They do. To me they do.

Wearing lovely flannel jammies is one of the things that make winter worthwhile. But I'm not sorry to put them away now that the weather's turned gorgeous.

* Not literally. I haven't been sleeping with sugary treats.


TotallyUn-Pc said...

I've never understood how people can dress up to go to bed....

eeeeeewwwwww! is that too much information?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Winter. Cold.
I don't like having the heating on in the bedroom; stuffy room means achey head. And I do like being able to have an arm over the covers, to pet fluffy kitties, should the need arise. So, nice warm flannel jammies. But in summer, I quite agree; pjs are pointless.