Sunday, December 23, 2007

I think I accidentally swallowed a manatee*

The Scrivener reports: Yes, it is possible to eat three Christmas dinners within 40 hours.

Some survival tips:

1. Breakfast is not your friend.
2. Coke is.
3. You will only be able to face Christmas pudding once, and better make that time the first dinner. At later events, you will be starting to see the point of trifle.
4. If one or more of the events takes place in a restaurant, and if you dawdle enough over your food, the waiters might offer to clear your plate (or even your drinks) before you've quite finished. This is possibly the only occasion when you'll be really happy for them to do so.
5. If you've drunk (more than) enough, you may find yourself happily indulging in seconds, the alcohol having blunted your senses sufficiently that you are not aware of just how uncomfortable your gut is becoming. Beware! The booze will wear off long before the stuffed feeling.
6. The above notwithstanding, there is never anything wrong with another glass of gluhwein. Possibly the spices aid digestion. Or something.
7. You may find sleepiness overwhelming you at some point, as your body attempts to digest the large sea mammal in your gut. It helps to take out your knitting (though possibly not in a restaurant). Hand movement keeps you at least partly awake. Yet another reason to take up knitting.

* In an incident entirely unrelated to sexual favours of the aquatic sort.


Anonymous said...

Just so long as you swallowed the manatee's bucket, too =)

Sexual favours of the aquatic kind made me laugh and laugh and laugh.

Merry Christmas!

omar said...

Merry Christmas, Scroob!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Right back atcha!