Friday, February 25, 2005

The problem with snow

is that it's so damn COLD. I wouldn't mind this if it were doing a decent job of snowing. But for days now it's just been little tiny flakes whirling around, not making much of the prettiness on the ground, although great prettiness in the air. Still liking the flakes, of course. Liking muchly. But I'm sitting here at my keyboard, in my so-poorly-insulated flat, and my fingers are numb with cold. Not doing much for my typing skills, I can tell you.


Still, though. Last night I was sat with Beloved at the window here; those tiny little flakes falling outside, fabulous cocktails inside, lights on the river, views of St Paul's and the Gherkin and all... and I was very conscious of being in the centre of the world, with all kinds of excitement ahead of me. We'll be in Davos this summer, in Cape Town in December, how glamorous is my life?

Colour me smug.

1 comment:

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Actually, after a couple of glasses of champagne (as drunk to celebrate cause for smugness), I'm both of those. Fuchsia underneath, with a heavy sprinkling of raw umber freckles. Well, the freckles are there always, of course, but the fuchsia only surfaces when flushed or blushing. So 'smug' coloration could equally well apply to 'embarrassed'. Confusing.