Saturday, February 26, 2005

Will you look at...

Hey, it's exactly one month till my birthday.

In entirely unrelated news, I have added a wishlist to my sidebar.

How 'bout that.

[exits stage left, whistling casually]


greg said...

I'll do with you as I have with Duncan; Happy Birthday! I know it's early (in fact, I'm probably the first to wish you) but Zara and I will be absent for the event, so rather than miss saying it, I'm getting mine in now.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Yes, I noted your early-wishing efforts on travemovedy - 363 days early, was it? Thankee! Wish I was spending my birthday in SA...

greg said...

I can't say the same; I'm only going because it's (once again) a final opportunity to spend time with Ian. Can't say I'm keen on being in SA per s&eacte;, but since my flight's been paid for, I can hardly complain.

Re wish list: I don't know if this is generally true, but for me your wishlist link takes me to my own Amazon wish list. You might want to try instead?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Oh, it's a holiday, you'll enjoy it. Probably. Thanks for the wishlist tip - will fix. And re hints: yes indeedy, constant improvements here. *preens smugly*