Funny with a capital "Pfffffff!"*
Jesus Christ's performance review
* You know, the traditional tea-spraying-on-monitor sound.
Infrequent and highly variable brain farts available here.
Jesus Christ's performance review
* You know, the traditional tea-spraying-on-monitor sound.
3:35 pm
Should we be concerned by how easy it seems for one Scroobious Scrivener to personify the estimable HG in an HR capacity? You seem like a "natural." Does anyone else see certain... ramifications here?
Shh. Don't ruin my incognito.
Well sure, *I* can hold a secret. But I've seen more than a few people - on TV, mostly - strutting and posturing, claiming they (1) personally know you and (2) have your ear.
So to speak.
It's only a matter of time. Of course that should be less of a problem this year, given your pending deal with "Two Double-Oh Six."
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