Thursday, January 12, 2006

How to complain

A letter to Parcelforce head office.

Dear Sir/Madam

Subject: Customs charge on parcel consignment # EC762587744GB

I think I’ve discovered Parcelforce’s secret mission. Do I get a prize? Do I get a handsome payoff to buy my secrecy? Because I’m pretty sure the secret mission – carried out behind the mask of a respectable parcel delivery service – is to reduce the citizenry to gibbering wrecks. No doubt there is some archvillain behind it all, with a fluffy white cat and a golden gun. If I’m right, then I must congratulate you, because at least as far as I’m concerned, you’re very close to achieving your goal. And Mercury isn’t even retrograde.

While I was on holiday in December, your henchmen attempted to deliver a parcel on which a customs charge of £131.43 was owed. Naturally they left the standard letter, a copy of which is enclosed. I have highlighted where this letter makes the claim that “you can now pay these charges by debit or credit card over the phone”. Now, this isn’t the first time I’ve received this letter, but it was the first time I’ve been sucked into the hideous web it conceals, since on previous attempts I had given up on having the phone answered. But being a foolish optimist, I tried again, and was delighted to have the phone answered.

I was less delighted to be told that no, I couldn’t pay over the phone, that was a ridiculous untruth and the only way I could pay by credit card was to drive to the depot. I asked to speak to the manager and was put through to the main voicemail menu (one of the devil’s foremost inventions, but never mind). On my second attempt at calling, I spoke to someone who was happy to take my card details – but only a credit card; apparently debit cards are, as far as Parcelforce is concerned, also the work of Satan, and not in a good way. But never mind. I gave my details and was promised delivery by 29 December. This conversation took place on the 23rd.

Apparently the first minion had it right, though: you can’t pay by card. At least, not without consequent trauma and brain damage (the latter caused by banging head against brick wall).

On 29 December, no parcel arrived. On 30 December, I summoned my courage and phoned the depot. I was told that there was no record of any credit card payment, and that the depot would call me back. Someone did indeed call me quite shortly, and said simply that the parcel was out for delivery that day – nothing about payment. And indeed, a delivery man arrived shortly thereafter.

But! The plot thickens! He too claimed that no payment had been made, and he had to get a cheque from me. Since I needed the contents of that parcel urgently, and feared (rightly, it seems) that clawing it out of Parcelforce’s unwilling hands might be difficult if I waited till the payment issue was resolved, I handed over a cheque. He assured me that there would be no problem in getting a refund, should one be needed. Naturally, he lied. Is he now in line for a promotion up your ranks of evil?

I checked my credit card statement online and sure enough, Parcelforce had debited £131.43. So I immediately got on the phone. And was told someone from the depot would call me back.

Rinse, repeat. I have now made four calls to Parcelforce about this issue. Every time, I am promised someone will call me back. On Monday, I was promised that a supervisor would call me back, thus lulling me into a false sense of security that my problem was being taken seriously. Cunning! I see now that this was all part of the evil plot. Because, obviously, nobody has been in touch, and I’m still waiting for an explanation, an apology, and a refund.

Which really would be nice.

If you can provide all or any of the above, please email [spambait expunged]. I’m positively salivating in hope of Exciting Revelations.

Yours in anticipation

[The Scrivener]

cc Parcelforce London North West depot


omar said...

Wow, that sucks. I very much think you deserve a prize, yes.

There are a few places I've found that also seem to think debit cards are the work of Satan. I don't get what the problem is.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Weird, isn't it? Especially since it costs them less to accept a debit card payment than credit cards. Huh. They must really like paying exorbitant bank charges.

greg said...

Obviously the same fiendish foe that orchestrates Carphone Warehouse.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Obviously. See the common denominator here? They're trying to destroy our communications. I think Amazon's part of the evil empire too, which just goes to show how sophisticated their communications destruction plan really is.

Sarah Cate said...

*slaps forehead*

I have completely forgotten to mail you the pumpkin! Dangit, dangit, dangit. My very big bad. Will do so this weekend.

Bill C said...

Parcelforce reads your weblog? Cool!

virtualkathy said...

Hubby had cunning means for getting a response with one company who were refusing to be helpful. It depends on whether their number is toll-free, though. If it is, you could try calling them up, putting on a movie, and talking them through the movie until they put you onto somebody who will actually do something helpful. Theory is it costs them more to keep somebody on the line, away from helping other customers, etc. It worked with AT&T, might this work with Parcelforce??

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Silly Cate, you've lost a golden opportunity to blame it on Parcelforce.

Jam, did you not realise how very all powerful and influential this here weblog is? Even after recent correspondence with cities, years and even The Big One? (...actually I posted the letter. Can't wait to blog their response. Should I be lucky enough to get one.)

Everymoment, that's brilliant. And almost as entertaining as accusing them of Satanic motives. But (apart from the fact that they use sharecall, not tollfree numbers) it does seem that I need a way to get them moving *after* the call, because while on the line they're pretty co-operative. Unfortunately I really hate phone calls and I'm not sure I want to go through the bloodboiling fury of repeated calls and insisting on being put through to the depot manager and getting voicemail instead...

the Beep said...

Carphone Warehouse are the work of the devil. Parcelforce are a willing pupil learning from a master.
The ONLY way I can ever get any sense out of Parcelforce is to go to their depot and start to rant, claiming that I, as a self-emp busines person, will sue them for loss of earnings if they don't remove their digits and SORT MY PROBLEM NOW!
Well it worked twice.
I hate doing it though.
Because I have to wear a tie (for credibility).

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Eurg. Go to depot? I'm betting that requires a car, which I don't have, and ain't no way I'm paying for a taxi just to have the pleasure of yelling at them. At least I wouldn't have to wear a tie though.

But, quite. I need reliable parcel delivery to run my business. I'd rather not have to pay double or triple to go with a private courier. It really shouldn't be that hard for Parcelforce to get it right... should it?

Pyrautomata said...

It strikes me that prose this good is usually attributed to the faceless Internet. I'm tickled pink to know someone who actually writes this well. You win.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

What a nice thing to say! Thank you, Dylan. But your imaginary housemates are much better than this.

Cute pic.

Adrian Loader said...

I came across your post when looking for a means to complain to Parcelforce, i.e. find name of managing director, etc following a conversation I had with one of their Customer Service representatives this morning. She, I would add, was doing her best to deal with my frustration whilst sticking to the Company Line. Mind you, she did have to ask me twice to stop swearing, but I swore because of my frustration as my story below will, hopefully, explain. Here is my issue:

Last week I ordered from Canada a chandelier that I need for the opening of a new restaurant this week. The chandelier cost Can$ 150 and the shipping costs via Xpresspostinternational were $126. The item arrived in the UK last Friday and, according the Xpresspost website was held up in Customs until Monday, when it was handed to the UK agent. I was not informed who the UK agent was, but after emailing to and fro' I was informed it was with Parcelforce. The Parcelforce website informed me that the package was awaiting payment of customs duty/vat, etc.

So, this morning I called Parcelforce to clear the consignment by paying any charges by credit card. But no, I could not do that without a seventeen digit reference number, which was on a letter posted to me on Monday. Guess what! I do not have the letter - and when will it arrive given the current state of our UK postal service? What if it gets lost and never arrives.? What will happen to my consignment. And the prime position reserved for the chandelier in the restaurant will remain in darkness during our grand opening.

This process of dealing with the collection of customs duty and associates charges is archaic, antiquated and does not recognise the ability of today's technology to make things happen faster. Come on Parcelforce, join the 21st Century - and deliver to me my goods!!!

Thanks for allowing me the space for my rant!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I so sympathise - I've had the exact same problem. Parcelforce is unbelievably crap. (I deal with them far too much, and they are always either completely crap, or on a good day, mostly crap.) And their complaints systems even worse. ARg.