Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Just in case you didn't already know

Pear should not go on pizza. Especially not with tomato sauce. I don't care how appealing pear&gorgonzola sounds, it's not a pizza topping, and don't assume it's a good idea just because they haven't taken it off the menu yet. It's not.


omar said...


ThePurpleOwl said...

Marshmallows, glace cherries and melted chocolate go well on pizza (but not with tomato sauce). Mmmm, mmm.

giuvr - the weird quivery shudder of disgust brought on by the idea of tomato sauce with pears and gorgonzola. Blergh.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

It's definitely the tomato sauce that's the problem. There's a pizza chain in SA that does (or used to do) "dessert pizzas", but I don't think any of them had ever seen a tomato. I really didn't think they'd be putting that on the pears. Ewwwwwwwww is right.

Sarah Cate said...

Fruit should only go on pizza if there is a creamy/cream-cheesy, sugary replacement of the tomato sauce involved - thus making it a dessert pizza.