Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Let some other people entertain you

When Scroobious is bored, Scroobious should really write something funny to liven things up around here, but no. Scroobious is one lazy-ass blogger. Scroobious has been passively wandering around looking for things to make her giggle. Luckily, she found some.

Over here, we have a pissed-off comics fan suggesting what equal opportunity objectification might look like. Holy gluteus maximus, Batman!

McSweeney's publishes a little Cookie Monster soul-searching. Which helps me to see that I am no monster. I just love cookies. In an innocent and wholly appropriate way. Unlike that fabric freak.

The AntiCraft tells you how to garden with doll parts. Although, as the editors point out, you don't really need the "how". ("Plant herbs. Try not to kill." Actually I could use a little help with that last part...)

Anna's own dry day* (well, something like) led me to the quite brilliant Sweatpantsmom.

And it turns out Jemima's not as individual as we thought. There's a whole website of cats in sinks. (Why am I surprised? There's a website for everything.)

Now Scroobious is bored again. And speaking of herself in the third person. Huh.

* Note how the cool bloggers handle it: by making up a Fun Interactive Game. Not by aimlessly clicking. Duly noted.


glo said...

I want to give Cookie a hug. And he's right - there's some serious psychosis down on Sesame Street. If it takes a few cookies to help him cope, who can blame him?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Shocking statistic: I have never seen Sesame Street. The Muppet Show, yes, but never SS.

ThePurpleOwl said...

ThePurpleOwl wonders how Scroobious could have picked up the habit of talking about herself in the third person without having 'met' Elmo, that furry, red self-referrer. Mind you, ThePurpleOwl often does it too, and the SS characters scared the feathers out of her when she was little...