Monday, May 08, 2006

New theory

Hypothesis: Parcelforce is part of an iniquitous New Labour strategy to boost the economy by driving business into the private sector. (The proper private sector, none of this quasi-independent former government monopoly crap.)

This strategy however is doomed to fail because of the increasing burden of mental healthcare for Parcelforce customers. A little elementary cost-benefit analysis would go a long way, Tony.

Unfortunately, by the time anybody in the upper echelons has worked this out, it'll be far too late for the likes of us.


Sarah Cate said...

So, basically - the Brit strategy is to have the customers go postal, as opposed to the U.S. problem of the postal workers themselves going off the mental deep end. Interesting.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Funny, that's just what I was thinking this weekend. Ah, the cleansing possibilities of a little apocalypse at the depot...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

About that double charge - was it on your credit card? Your best chance might be to ask the card issuer to sort it out. Parcelforce, as we all know, is The Devil and they will not help you if they can possibly avoid it.

Anyway, good thinking. I'm a pacifist gen'rally but this is an extreme situation.