Friday, May 19, 2006

Something I never imagined I would ever say

I wish I could vote in Texas.

Kinky Friedman for Governor! Without a doubt, the most exciting political idea I've ever heard. I mean that just on principle, obviously, but with a platform of healthcare, education and renewable energy, it actually sounds pretty damn reasonable too.

Plus, when he's out cutting ribbons and such (or whatever governors have to do for PR), he will no doubt leave the cat in charge. And that's never a bad thing.

Please tell me they're going to sell "Vote Kinky" buttons. I really have to have one of those. The Wanted T-shirts aren't bad, but I want to Vote Kinky. A rule for life, really.


ScroobiousScrivener said...

...and so the dream dies.

glo said...

I need one of those t-shirts, too! Finally! A bumper sticker I won't hate after the election!

Bill C said...

Something like "Kinky Voter?"

Anonymous said...

Scroob, the dream still lives (mostly). I agree that most of Bush's record is excreable, but US Governors have very little to do with foreign policy (which is what Kinky seemed to be agreeing with). Given how popular it's become to loathe Bush, I rather like that the contrarian Kinky can make friends with the little twerp, while remaining politically independent of the Republicans.

I am a little worried about his (El Kinkster's) support for building a fence to keep the Mexicans out, but then I don't know enough about Texan economics and politics to really comment on whether this is a good idea. Apart from that, I like everything I've seen about his campaign. And that's only partially because he's the guy who gave us "They Ain't Makin' Jews Like Jesus Anymore".

However... in a sense the dream must die. If he is elected (and I hope he is), Kinky will start making real-world political decisions. It's great in principle to say "I'll sign anything, except bad legislation", but when you're Governor, you're presented with somewhat-good, somewhat-bad bills and you have to make a choice. Inevitably, everyone, me and you included, will disagree with some of his choices. Still, I have more faith in the ability of Kinky and his cat to make the best of a shite job than I do in almost any of the professional politicians I know. (Actually, I have more faith in the cat than I do in most politicians.)

So I, too, have caught myself wanting to be a Texan in November.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Well. There you have it folks. "Kinky is Awesome": thanks for your contribution but alas, I think you're mistaking the political bent of this blog (such as it is). Don't worry though, none of us are Texans.

Sarah Cate said...

Quite possibly the funniest spam-by-way-of-misinterpretation-of-original-post I have ever seen.

A "Vote Kinky" sticker would be awesome, though.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Hey! I'm a Texan. Our neighbors have big Kinky signs up in their yard. I personally want to make up shirts that say, "Let's Get Kinky", on them. Just for shock value, of course. The only reason I support his candidacy is because he makes a damn fine salsa. That is the standard by which I judge all gubernatorial candidates.

Available at grocery stores throughout the fine state of Texas.