Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Just do it. And do it again. And do it again. And admit that it's still crap. And do it some more.

I have, alas, absolutely no interesting comment to make on this post by a wonderful artist, but anybody with any desire to create anything worthwhile should immediately go read it.


Bill C said...

I've "smashed" weblog posts and other stuff I've written, but that process lacks the sensory feedback available from destroying actual physical objects. Especially breakable ones.

Hmm. Taking up the practice of making breakable objects for the sole purpose of destroying same? As long as it's not expensive, I'm for it.

Syar said...

I loved that post. thanks for linking it. I'm horrible with just accepting flaws and making something new. I'm a fixer, and with stories I've (slowly) come to realized some things can't be fixed. if he said "Bye" in the first chapter, changing it to "Goodbye" will just ruin the whole feel or make you feel like all the "Bye's" in the story has to be changed. I've many unfinished stories because of this need to fix and the inability to suck it up and just re-write. And I don't throw away stuff I write. That may be good thing (to remind me what was right, what was wrong) but who knows....

I think I might have to start smashing plates.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I used to write short stories and they were always best in the first draft. I lost most of them in some move or other and at the time I was gutted. Now I'm fairly relieved I don't have to look at them ever again. They were so very bad.

Syar said...

be thankful you don't still have your NSYNC fanfictions to remind you what a naive twat you were back when you were 14.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Ooooh... NSYNC fanfic? *shudder* No, lucky me.