Thursday, November 10, 2005

The secret is out

You may remember lots of self-important hinting about my Special Secret Project. That's right, the one that was supposed to be done by the start of October.

Now, by this time half of you have already figured it out and the other half never cared anyway. But let's just pretend this is still the eagerly awaited Big Reveal, okay?


Edit: Credit for the awesome website goes to my Beloved, whose MA Communication Design seems to be coming in useful after all, and to Strawberryfrog, who has provided crucial technical assistance in getting the shopping cart software to work the way we want. And who is, even now, conjuring up a little extra magic.


virtualkathy said...

Wonderful! Hope it goes fantastically well!
So, what's your overseas shipping policy? :)

omar said...

Scroob, that's great!

I must say, I never even knew there was such a thing as a "knitting purse."

Sarah Cate said...

Awesome! I may have to get me some of that. (But for my crocheting stuff. Knitting is quite beyond me.)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Hey, you crochet? Brilliant! I had no idea!

I am of course thrilled to ship anywhere in the world, using the glorious Royal Mail. But since you're my friends, I feel duty bound to point out that there are US sellers who would be cheaper.

Still, any Christmas hints will be given careful consideration. (Note, I'm not saying they'll be fulfilled. Just thought about, in a friendly way.)

Omar, plenty of knitters don't even know that there is such a thing. But I aim to change that.

Anonymous said...

Yay Purlescence! It looks good. I should be poking at its perl tonight...

Bill C said...

Great-looking site. Hope it brings you much enjoyment and cash, though not necessarily in that order.

anaglyph said...

Wow. Luxury for sure. I don't even knit and I want some.

h said...

Knitting with style.. nice. Great site too.

deixzkv: The realisation that knitting is a lot cooler than you thought.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Thank you all very much. If even you knitophobes are impressed, then hey, my work is done.

Strawbs, that would be very cool, although as you can see it's pretty much good for now so there's no pressure. From here on it's all bonus pretty.

greg said...

Here's a poser: would it be terribly gauche of me to buy your Christmas present from your site?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

What an utterly intriguing question. On the plus side: I get the money as well as the gift! On the minus side: diminished stock. On the plus side: absolutely everything on that site is so damn wonderful. I think I'm going to have to go with, that's a *fabulous* idea!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

You know, Russell Crowe has been seen knitting. (Although I must confess, the most reliable information is that he doesn't really knit regularly, that was just a photo op of some kind.) But David Arquette definitely does knit, and what's good enough for Courtney Cox's husband... At any rate, the beef jerky would be sure to counteract any feared loss of manliness.

Remember, Purlescence sells big manly camel-coloured messenger-style knitting bags. And I can hook you up with some great manly patterns.

Anonymous said...

Awesome site! I'm a knitter, too.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Really? Cool! I love finding more knitters out there. Most of my life, I've known so few.

anaglyph said...

I wouldn't want to be hanging with Russell Crowe if he had a set of knitting needles. Man, if he can brain someone with a telephone, imagine what he could do with knitting paraphernalia...

glo said...

No, no no! How did I miss this?! This is *so* what I get for taking a weekend off blogging to see my new nephew!

It looks BEAUTIFUL! Every bit the elegance and intelligence we've come to expect from you. I love it!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Thank you kindly Glo. I'm pretty proud of it myself. And very proud of Beloved, who made it all work. (Your new nephew is clearly more important anyway!)

Good point, anaglyph. And some of those big chunky needles are on the scary side all by themselves. More vampire stake than delicate ladylike tool. (But in a really pretty way!)

Syar said...

that's great! I know a few people who crotchet and knit, so now I have a site to recommend. I'm sure it will do well, good luck!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Thanks Syar! Feel free to spread the word and link madly... ;-)