Friday, November 04, 2005

Stop hating me and start giggling

Since I managed to offend just about everyone with that last post (I should know better than to try and put on a serious debating hat, I'm so crap at it), why don't you just listen to this great voicemail message and pretend the other never happened.


omar said...

I missed an offensive post?! Must go back and read!

That voicemail message was giggle-worthy, yes.

Bill C said...

I rather liked that serious debating post.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Thank you Jam. Generally when I put my serious hat on, I seem to bore people (at least, no comments). The one time I get comments, they're not exactly what I would have hoped. I welcome opinions, obviously, but I'm a little distressed that I seem to have made my point so badly that I appeared to be condemning sex, rather than offensive editorial attitudes. Sigh. Must try harder.