Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Twiddles and ornaments

Random plug: those of you with operatic tastes should take a peek at Vivaldi's folio, where the commenter formerly known as Anonymous is indulging in some scandalous baroque gossip. (Not enough, mind, but some encouragement from a rapt audience should help to draw him out.)


Anonymous said...

Unrelated to your post, but was wondering if you would be willing to post to my blog about your experiences regarding something you already posted on my blog?

Am keeping myself anonymous to hopefully allow you your privacy on your own blog. I.E., trying to keep the link-trail confused. Would have just sent you email, but couldn't find an email link on your blog.

I'll give you a one word hint in case you have no idea who I am or what the heck I'm talking about!


Thanks for anything you are willing to express on my blog. :) If you'd prefer to email me, I believe I have an email link up on my site. :)

And now back to your regularly scheduled, "normal" comments. ;)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Ah no, Demosthenes, it's not nearly as intriguing as it sounds. This commenter was Sithsnoopy - I'm telling you this in case you feel compelled to check it out, and to quash any peculiar ideas anyone may be developing. I left a comment on a post about sickness as a way of hiding from the world. There are no dark secrets involved but I've chosen not to blog my response because it's quite long without being at all interesting (except presumably to SS and perhaps anyone else with similar concerns). So, as you were.