Friday, October 13, 2006

It's because Mars is transiting my second house. Probably.

I seem to be having a severe attack of the spendies. It happens sometimes. Without quite intending it, or having any noticeable reason, I find my wallet lightening and a mysterious pile of shopping bags building in a corner of my home. The doorbell keeps ringing and the postie is giving me a look that frankly I regard as a little personal. Has he never experienced the pure, true joy of online shopping? Why must he judge me so?

I think it's under control, though. Really. I haven't bought any shoes in, well, months. The new clothes — well, it's autumn, right? Time for a little wardrobe renewal. And I've lost a little weight, so it's very important for me to have skirts that don't turn into hipsters when they weren't designed that way. It's all very sensible.

The books, now, I guess those weren't entirely necessary. But you wouldn't have me turn my back on knowledge, would you? The books are food for the soul. We can't have an emaciated soul situation.

And the yarn. Look. I know I already had more yarn than I can knit in a year. But it wasn't the right yarn. Creativity needs abundance. And plus, half of it is for gifting, so there. I will not apologise for my natural generosity.

I admit that maybe all that champagne was a little excessive... no. No I don't. The champagne was compulsory, every delicious drop. A celebration is a celebration, after all!

Next up on the Scrivenings — Advice from the heart: be well prepared for salary negotiations.


greg said...

Identify! You saw my recent acquisition email.

vivaldifan said...

Curious - Mars must surely be visiting my first house, if it's in your second. Yet I too am suffering from a severe attack of the Spendies.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Oh, I totally made that up. I have no idea where Mars is.

Sarah Cate said...

Any change of season is perfect justification for wardrobe augmentation.

glo said...

I made the mistake of "making a budget" - that always sends me into a buyer's psychosis of some sort.

cadiz12 said...

i refuse to believe there is such a thing as too much yarn.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Well quite, Cadiz! As the Harlot says: don't you want to leave some to your kids? (Passing lightly over my complete lack of offspring...)