Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday morning

It's grey and wet outside. I'm under the duvet, with the laptop, Beloved next to me working on his laptop, and two purring cats keeping our toes warm. We've had breakfast in bed and there is chocolate in the house. We're starting to plan Christmas in Switzerland.

I'm starting my new job soon. Esteemed Father (whose life has again been difficult lately) has finally got a new job, a very promising one, and he too starts next month. Beloved has just, quite unexpectedly, got a very gratifying promotion.

I finished knitting a coat yesterday - one of the most successful projects I've done in the past couple of years. It fits beautifully.

I like today.


greg said...

It's grey and wet outside. I'm under the duvet

And what a perfect day for it.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Yup. Sometimes it all just comes together.

tristan said...

twud be nyce to see a pikcher of the cote