Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Public service announcement

Calling Miyazaki fans in London: free screening of Howl's Moving Castle at the Renoir, Saturday 21 October, 11am. As part of the "Bloomsbury festival", which is really just a Big Shiny Shopping Centre Opening thing — but props to Allied London, they have made that horrible concrete block the Brunswick look remarkably passable.* And the festival does look rather fun. Even with the singalonga Messiah.

(After I got all those lovely comments on my last post**, and after Tayster called me "the Katherine Hepburn of the blog world"***, I thought: gosh. People still show up here? Oh bollocks. I'd better write something interesting. Right, I'll do that, um, tomorrow. Day after, for sure.

Time passes... and this is all you get. It's like I'm pushing you away, isn't it?)

* Interesting tidbit: it was never supposed to be exposed concrete. The council was responsible for painting the housing (i.e. most of it), and of course being a council, it didn't have any money. Fast forward to the redevelopment and the story repeats itself — but they seem to have reached a compromise, with interesting vertical panels of paint. O'course, it looks good now the concrete's been refinished and all, but in a few years... grumblegrumble.
** For which, thank you most sincerely. It made me very happy to hear from you all.
*** I don't really know what that means,**** but I'm hoping it means Cate Blanchett would play me in a movie. Since "married to alcoholic closet case" doesn't seem to apply.
**** Well, it means he was looking for a suitably grandiose acceptance speech, yes. But apart from that.


Eric said...

For the record, being called the Katherine Hepburn of blogs is a great thing. Ms. Hepburn won three Oscars and was nominated for about 800 more.

Now, if I called you the Pauly Shore of bloggers, then you should worry.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Oh make no mistake, I appreciate the honour! We're not worthy, etc.

glo said...

You and Tay had the best acceptance speeches - not that I want to start a blog war or anything - all the speeches were great...

BTW - weird things happen to your head when you misread Miyasaki as Mizrahi. FYI.

Anonymous said...

Worth looking up. I loved Princess Mononoke. Didn't much care for Spirited Away, strangely.