Sunday, January 07, 2007

I never learn

It's a good thing my new year's resolutions didn't include "do not accidentally swallow a gallon of booze and pass out on the beanbags, leaving your long-suffering husband sleeping all alone at home", because I would have already failed.

Then again, maybe if I had made such resolution I would have tried to keep it, and I wouldn't have felt quite so horrible today. Or had to cancel my lunch date with a poor neglected friend.

So, almost new year's resolution: do try to drink like a grown-up, dear.

(You know, I don't do this often. Not at all often, which is probably why it never even occurs to me to resolve to cut down. And why I get so surprised at the effects.)


Bill C said...

Hello, I'm writing a dictionary. In my definition for euphemism, I'd like to cite your use of the word "accidentally." Would this be okay with you?

You're more than welcome to cite this comment in your own definition of "smartass," with a cross-reference to "compensation."

And of course WV has something to say about all this: "npuhpgge," the definition of which is left as an exercise to the reader.

(hope you're feeling better)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I am feeling better, thank you. The restorative powers of a bacon sandwich and a disprin, following several hours of devoted attention from a purring cat, are remarkable.

And as a word lover, I would naturally be honoured to support your lexicographical endeavours. Smartass.

Bill C said...

Y'know, not many people wield six-syllable words with such style. Keep up the good... wielding.


TotallyUn-Pc said...

radioactive.... in your dictionary, did the Zebra do it?