Friday, January 05, 2007

You know it's the first week of January when...'re up at 8am to go for a run — even though you only start work at 4pm.

...your diary is still a thing of beauty in your eyes. have a mountain of Christmas chocolate in the house, and you fail to see how this might in any way compromise your good New Year intentions.

...your friend has just changed your date (made before Christmas) from "tea" to "lunch", because she genuinely believes there will be less calorie consumption that way. know exactly what you want to do next New Year, and you don't for a minute think you might forget your idea by then. see no problem with having signed up for a race in just five weeks, requiring you to train diligently in the coldest, most miserable time of the year.


Bill C said...

If you need any help getting rid of all that Christmas chocolate, let me know.

glo said...

Nothing in the world better than the hope (and delusion) of January.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Yes, I'm very fond of this particular brand of self-deception. I want to belieeeeeve...