Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Scrunch or fold?

Anna Little Red Boat, investigative journalist extraordinaire, started quite the conversation while I was away. Now, I'm entirely with her. Scrunching all the way. Folding your loo paper? That's just *weird*. (But does explain why English toilet paper is so thick.)


Tissues, I fold. This is important. Blowing my nose with a single unfolded tissue leads to leakage and the immediate need for further tissues. Scrunching is inefficient. So I take my tissue, I fold it in half (usually), tuck neatly under the nose, blow, turn upside down, blow, fold again, wipe, fold, tidy up. I am told this is peculiar. I fail to see why. It's just sensible.


glo said...

How is it possible in our tell-all and study-all world that no one knows the definitive answer to this question??!! Call the naked scientists. This one needs statistical analysis.

P.S. I scrunch. It's toilet paper for heaven's sake. Not gonna make a public appearance anywhere.

Sarah Cate said...

Sort of scrunchy-foldy - just the way it rolls of the roll, yanno?

Totally with you on the folding of tissues, though. Otherwise there is much messiness.

TotallyUn-Pc said...

I am fascinated by the hole (sic) toilet issue, not least the amount of paper consumed by the holy bowl... Thanks for the updates.

Sriv, I've been reading your blog for a while, your out there man, but good on you, I hope you don't mind but I've added you to my sidebar, for ease for me to find your really, but you may get more strangers reading you.... does that sit comfortably with you? If so i'll remove forthwith and henceforth!

Now, pass the tissues 9 no i'm not on the toilet!)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Linkage is absolutely fine, thanks! I never know what strangers get out of reading this but if you're entertained, by all means, hang around.