Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Dark (adj): devoid of light; causing dejection

The clocks going back always takes me by surprise. Or at least, the effect of it does. What?! Dark already? But it can't be, it's only 5 o'clock! That's so... so... depressing.

I seem to suffer from random attacks of seasonal affective disorder. This year is worse than most. Which quite possibly means that it's not SAD at all, but stress, or hormones, or some other unrelated thing. Whatever. It is dark and gloomy, and I am dark and gloomy.

Thing is, I sort of love this time of year. Dark and gloomy? Yay! Let us cuddle under duvets and drink hot chocolate and eat cookies and knit! I was born for this! But here's the fatal flaw: I don't have time for any of that. (Well, maybe the hot chocolate.) And maybe that's what's causing the gloom to be really gloomy, rather than fun gloomy. Conditions are perfect for doing what I most love to do, and I can't do it. So I feel all sulky about the things I do have to do, and I procrastinate, and then I have even more stress and more stuff to worry about, and less time to knit, and so it goes.

Anyway, here I am, having put off going to Tesco all day and now it's dark and gloomy, and going for a walk is so much less appealing than it would have been earlier, when it was bright and crisp and rather lovely out there. Let that be a lesson to me.

Maybe I can get some cookies while I'm there.


extemporanea said...

*pat, pat*

You sound stressed, and tragically deprived of knitting. I am beginning to have a faint inkling of what this might actually mean.

If it's any consolation, Cape Town's famous "Spring" is doing a spirited rendition of winter, with massed chorus of clouds and squalls of rain.

I love it, of course, but I'm weird that way. Reading the Yarn Harlot is giving me a serious yen to move to Canada.

firstfallen said...

I don't presume to tell you how to manage your blog, BUT: please can you switch off the auto-preview thing that happens when you try to click on a link? It's really spectacularly awful and not at all useful. LJ started doing it recently as well, totally unasked!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Better now?

Thanks for the reminder, actually, I agree with you but hadn't quite gotten round to doing anything about it.

And don't talk to me about Canada. Apparently it's full of knitters. And video editors are in high demand, so that's Armin sorted. And it's got snow. And maples.