Friday, November 09, 2007

Restructuring disappeared my job



greg said...

Not all of them, surely?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

No, just the one. And it appears I could get another one if I want, but I'm not sure I do want the job they might offer me. Stay tuned for further updates.

It may be no bad thing, really, but... hm.

Anonymous said...

So, your existing (former) job has now disappeared and although a different one may be possible, it's not necessarily going to be at the same pay and conditions - or content - as the outgoing one?

Does this mean that your employer - famously of pro-social political hue - offers fixed-term contracts in order to avoid all sorts of nasty complications arising from labour law?

Anyway, I hope the outcome ends up being pro-you, whatever it is.


(presently in a German-speaking part of the world, so your blogging site 'helpfully' puts everything in German, with no way of changing to English. How very annoying)