Sunday, November 25, 2007

Soooo.... cold...

When the cats' water bowl is threatening to freeze over, and the butter is rock solid, and the cats themselves are desisting from their usual hostilities in favour of shared bodily warmth

and your fingers are so cold you can't even type properly (this post brought to you by the power of my mind!), and ain't no saying when the central heating will be fixed...

Do you:
a) brew up a giant pot of gluhwein/hot whisky toddies, time of day be damned, because regular tea/coffee just isn't doing it;
b) move in with starmadeshadow, who has espresso, heating AND SEA SILK - but who may be on the defensive after an exploratory 5-hour incursion yesterday;
c) go out for a half-hour run every hour, risking pneumonia and frostbitten fingers for the sake of the raised internal body temperature;
d) give up on the idea of getting any work done at all, and go back to bed with yarn to knit yourself handwarmers? And, for that matter, entire bodywarmers?


Anonymous said...

Not feeling defensive at all. In fact, on tripping over the remains of the tangle of wool still in the middle of my carpet, wondered if the offer of further espresso and only-slightly-stale coffee-walnut cake would tempt you back to finish untangling it...


firstfallen said...

Awww, the cuteness of snuggling kits! My little Possum is so cute when she's asleep (and snoring) that I just want to go over and cuddle her. Then she wakes up all annoyed.

What a nice black and white you have there. You do know that all the black and white kits in the whole world belong to me, right? I look forward to snorgling your kits when we visit next year. I'd say "fatten them up in preparation" but I see you've already done that :P.

Obviously the only thing to do in cold weather is to get in bed with the kits and knit. Or read.

Bill C said...

Definitely d), preceded by a).

Speaking of preceded, I saw this line on a restaurant menu: "...a three course meal consisting of salads & side dishes served family style, followed by a precession of meats served tableside."

Fancy-pants expensive restaurant, too. Why they'd serve wobbly spinning meats, I have no idea...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

*snort* You're all very funny. Love that menu thing, Jam.

If you're wondering why it took me so long to respond to these - more likely you just aren't seeing this response - I blame Gmail for eating my comment alerts.

Starmade, I totally woulda, but clearly you've sorted it out by now. Well done. Hope no dangerous tripping accidents ensued.

And Jo, the black and white guy is actually pretty scrawny... but the lovely (and corpulent) Jem is very good about purring in entirely non-annoyed fashion when awakened by snorgling. She just kind of wriggles over to expose belly for more cuddles. Love that cat.