Sunday, March 13, 2005

And this is the "easy" diet

Atkins is dead, long live the GI diet. Yes, I've read about it for years, yes, it makes excellent sense, yes, it's a great idea if you want to avoid diabetes (well, we all want to avoid diabetes, obviously; I mean more "if you've been fiending on sugar all your life and you're terrified of the logical outcome"). No, I hadn't seen these lovely little mantras here:

"Never use sugar, always a substitute. Eat the fruit rather than drink its juice. Never puree, never mash. Eat raw. Avoid cheese and caffeine. Pasta is a side dish not a meal. Eat every three hours to avoid low blood sugar. Include protein in all meals. A rice cake is diet death. Cover half your plate with vegetables, then a quarter with carbs and a quarter with protein. Cook everything al dente, leaving your stomach to do the extra work."

No fruit juice? No cheese? No pasta meals? You mean I have to learn to cook properly? Dammit!

It's enough to send a girl straight to the chocolate aisle for comfort.


Anonymous said...

No cheese? that would just sap my will to live. No way.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Yes - I accept that I can't combine chocolate with losing weight, and that pasta is probably not the healthy staple Sophia Loren would have us believe, but giving up sugar AND wheat AND CHEESE is too much to contemplate. No can do.

Anonymous said...

Pasta is a side dish and not a meal? What kind of diet fascist thought that up? There can be nothing better than a big bowl of creamy, cheesy or buttery fusilli.

And though it is possible to live without dairy, it isn't possible to do so happily for more than a day. Two at the most.

I can't do it. I won't.

greg said...

Better than cheese!