Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Essential travel research

It seems terribly tacky to blog a third hand link, but this info on German Men seemed far too useful not to share. (Hat tip to London Leben.)

Particularly enlightening is the explanation of German rudeness (see also the useful German phrases). This may explain the two German lads I knew who travelled through Israel having taught themselves just one phrase in Hebrew, which they told me translated as, "Shut the fuck up and speak English."

What's that? You think I should know this stuff already, being as I'm married to a Kraut? Nonono, y'see, my model is the exotic Swiss-Namibian-Capetonian hybrid. Much more complicated.

Oh, and of course you'll want to check out the rest of the site. I'm in hysterics right now over the useful British phrases:
When you want to say, "Get that shit you call food away from me," pronounce it, "No thanks, I'm not hungry."
For "I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten in weeks," say "Is there an Indian restaurant around?"

We have at least established that contrary to popular belief, Yanks do have a sense of humour. Good to know.


:) said...

of course we have a sense of humor! :) but i do prefer some good british comedy.

good blog..keep up the good work!

if you visit mine, please put a pin in the guestmap even if you dont comment. i need a good british bloke on my map!


Anonymous said...

Ha-ha, Josh is calling the Scroobious Scrivener a bloke! I bet that's her hard Joburg edge shining through from in between the lines! ;)

Oh, and dear Scroobs, with regards to this this post: Ja! Not funny at all!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Socalled "Mighty" Cherusker:


Now that's my hard Joburg edge.


Anonymous said...

Ouch! :( Did I say say "ouch"? No at all! I said: Ha! Didn't hurt at all! Said the Might Che. So there. You bloke you.