Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Selective insomnia

Why? Whywhywhy? Why is it that after a full long weekend of good sleepy nights, even after gallons of caffeine, sleep should suddenly elude me just as my working week starts? After a caffeine-free, early-start, action-packed day, why should I lie awake hour after hour? Whywhywhy? Why, when I have a particularly busy and demanding day ahead? Why?

Good thing there's Sainsbury's triple-choc-chip muffins to bring meaning to my morning, really.


omar said...

Mmmmm, triple sugar-filled muffins...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I've read that too, somewhere erudite and - oh yes, it was Cosmopolitan. $400, that would be maybe a decade's subscription, with muffin money to spare?

No, The Answer came yesterday from a stranger in the lift: a glass of scotch before bedtime. Did the trick beautifully, I'm delighted to say.

omar said...

Hm. Will consider that next time the boy can't sleep...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Do. It can't be worse than the common infant remedy of around 100 years ago: opium...