Saturday, July 30, 2005


Am experiencing annoying revival of (some of) last week's frustrations, plus a few new twists. As a result, am not feeling hugely entertaining, and may be unusually taciturn for a bit. It's either that or regale you with anecdotes of my cats, and how my orchid's just sprung a new leaf. These are the safest topics in my life at present, it seems, and "safe" evidently means "duller than the Bournemouth bingo hall in February". So bear with me. And thanks for the jokes.


Bill C said...

We'll check back. Looking forward to the return of your "usual" taciturn state.

omar said...

I wouldn't consider it a good post from you, scroob, unless I had to look up at least one of the words in it.

You never disappoint.

Bill C said...

Scroobious - I found a way-fun new webtoy. I added your weblog to their ever-growing List Of Good Sites. Apparently they have some kind of automated category-picker for new entries; your site's content / focus category was filed under...


Which is the most delightfully ironic thing I've seen in ages. Anyway I changed it to humor, hope you don't mind.

They categorized my site under nuclear science. Not what I'd have chosen but it's growing on me.

I'm going to check Omar's listing, make sure his site is accurately filed.

Under Gardening, of course. :-O

ScroobiousScrivener said...

How enormously entertaining! Thanks for your recommendation, and for rescuing me from the gardening ghetto. Not that there's anything wrong with gardening. Ahem. I shall now endeavour to live up to the "humor" tag. Or at least prove that Weeds Can Be Funny.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Never fear, Gersh, I know better than to alienate my favourite reader.

Hang on. I might have just alienated all my other favourite readers. Crap!