Friday, July 01, 2005

Pleasure you can't measure

A warm, tingly, airy sensation; lightness; freedom.

Unexpectedly paying off your entire (large) credit card bill.

And still having enough cash left over to book two holidays*.

On that note, I'm heading off for the weekend**. Beloved has returned from Death's door; the freelance deadline has been renegotiated; last-minute B&B rooms have been located***; and the BBC is promising adequate weather. Not that we believe them, mind, and "adequate" is not "good", but still.

So we're taking a tour of Dorset, which some claim is the prettiest countryside England has to offer. It's also full of Literary Resonance - Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy, all that - if I don't come back spouting unusually Victorian phrasings, you'll know I haven't taken the whole thing seriously****.

* This weekend break, plus a Trip Home for December.
** It's nothing but hiatuses here, is it? Or possibly hiati. If only we were heading to a tropical isle I could witter about hiati in Haiti. Ah well. Missed opportunity there.
** Something of a miracle, that; turns out it's jazz festival weekend in Lyme Regis.
*** Entirely possible.


Anonymous said...


you come home in december?
does this mean cape town?

then you could see our shop.
if we have a shop.

if we have named it by then... ;)

glo said...

I'm so jealous! I dream of taking a literary tour through England. There was a Jane Austen one I almost took after college, but, well, life interfered.

Have a lovely weekend...let us know how it went when you return.

virtualkathy said...

oooh! lucky you! Hope you're having a fabulous time, looking forward to the scoop when you return (have you been mentally composing blog entries for us? :)).

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Jo: yes on all counts. Yay!

Everymoment: your question leaves me most... nonplussed. Um. Yes, I have. So, is my blogging addiction that obvious*? Is it even sadder that I actually took notes*? With this sad state exposed, am I now expected to craft a proper, witty and evocative post on the subject*? Even though I left my notes at home**? Oh bugger.
* Yes.
** No, I couldn't blog last night, remember that urgent deadline thingy?