Thursday, July 07, 2005

What a difference a day makes

Wednesday: rah-rah Olympics.

Thursday: tube accident brings entire network to a grinding halt. Oh, wait, two tube accidents, or possibly not accidents. No, hang on, I think there's another one. And a bus blown up in Russell Square. Or possibly two.

Watch this space.


omar said...
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Ambrrrr said...

hope you and yours are ok. It's 6 explosions we're hearing here. Someone's not happy about the olympics.

Bill C said...

Possibly, but a more overtly political connection is the G-8 Summit being held in Scotland.

Whatever the "reason" - it's wrong.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Thanks. Six or seven, they're saying, there's so much confusion. I think it's G8 rather than the Olympics though!

Omar: :-) This post got revised quite a few times in the course of the morning. It was funny at 9.30. Then there was more news. Then it wasn't so funny.

omar said...

Yeah scroob, after I got more information, I thought the comment to be insensitive. Glad you understand.