Thursday, July 28, 2005

Thursdays are getting interesting

Police everywhere this morning. I wonder: do they know something we don't? Or are they simply thinking, another Thursday, let's go look butch just in case?


Sarah Cate said...

The key question here, really, is "Are there any HotCops among the hoards of police?". Enquiring minds want to know.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Sadly, Cate, there is a dearth of HotCops in London. I'm not sure if it's just the Mr Plod helmet spoiling the effect, or if it's harder for British men to look hot even with the aid of a uniform (Sean, James and Jude excepted, of course, they could look hot even in bunny slippers), but the London bobby is more an "aw, cute" than a "yeah, baby!" kinda guy.

They're always friendly, though.

Nadia said...

James who?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

James Marsters, aka Spike. Of course he's not even British, though, he just plays one on TV. Got confused there for a minute.

Nadia said...

That's what I thought. Got confused too. At least you've got "aw, cute". We have "oh good God, no".