Thursday, June 23, 2005

And the "value" we're getting is...?

From a Financial Times report on the Queen's acccounts:

"Alan Reid, keeper of the privy purse, said the accounts showed a 'value-for-money monarchy. We're not looking to provide the cheapest monarchy. We're looking at one of good value and good quality.' "

That's what I like to hear. None of your cheap, flimsy royalty for us, no sir. This monarchy won't wear out, but you don't have to blow the budget on it either. The Marks & Sparks monarchy, as it were.


glo said...

I gotta admit - I never thought I would hear any of those words in that combination. I thought I was purchasing a slightly over-priced vacuum cleaner throughout the first reading. Then I thought it must be a typo and was really about products for Monarch butterflies.

You Englanders do everything smartly, don't you??

ScroobiousScrivener said...

"Us Englanders" nothing, kiddo. I distance myself from these mad Englanders. I have nothing to do with them, I tell you, especially when it comes to the monarchy. I just, um, live here.

By choice.

I'm not helping myself, am I?

glo said...

Erm, no, not really. Actually, kinda lost you somewhere there...

Anonymous said...

They're good value for money, as the government make far, far more than £32 million back from VAT from idiotic tourists who come to see the Queen :)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

So they claim. I dunno, I think maybe they come to see things like the London Eye, Westminster, Tower Bridge, even the Crown Jewels, yes, but the actual Queen? Not so much.

And, of course, they come for shopping.