Saturday, June 25, 2005

It's T-shirt day at Chez Scroobious!

Proud contest winner
Originally uploaded by Scroobious.
I considered, and rejected, the idea of taking a wet T-shirt photo. That would be tacky. And we don't do tacky, here at the Scrivenings. We're classy, we are.

So I just stuck my tits out instead.

Oh, if you want to know *why* it's T-shirt day - thanks, Cate!


omar said...

This is my last comment on a post that involves boobs. Last one.

The classy approach suits you. Bravo. I'm glad you didn't lower yourself to the level of tacky.

omar said...

But if you did ever choose to lower yourself to that level, just know that we would still support you.

(joking! just kidding. no wet t-shirts. It wouldn't be appropriate here.)

This time I'm serious, this is the last comment. (Sometimes, I'm not sure how my wife puts up with me.)

Sarah Cate said...

Scroob, you totally rock. That's all there is to it.

glo said...

Whoa. Scroob. Those are incredible. I'm gonna have to post a photo just to prove I can compete...but I'm not sure I can. As a true breast afficionado (love 'em so much I work with 'em), I can tell you that's a fabulous set.

Oh, and the t-shirt looked great, too. Thanks for taking us to Europe. If you wear it in public, please post a report. I like to know how the ad campaign progresses abroad.

Eric said...


I think cate should hire you as the official model.

She tried to hire me, but I just can't compete with this.

Not even when I take off my "Bro".

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Thank you all for the enthusiastic compliments. Never have my assets received so much feminine attention. Actually, only half of you are female, I realise. Less than half. Still. My girls like the girls' attitude. Ahem.

Now can anyone tell me what a Bro is?

glo said...

A male bra? My brother refers to it as a mankini - yes, my brothers need help.

Anonymous said...

Come on; you don't need that t-shirt. Try something a little saucier. It'd suit you, I can tell.

Why worry? None of us knows who you are.