Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Whisper it

Rumour has it, we could be back online by the weekend.


Of course, we'll be so busy preparing for this damn party (final unpackings as we assemble newly arrived furniture, last-minute house and garden titivations, shopping etc), I'm not sure I'll have time to blog before Monday. But then, with any luck, I'll have something to blog about.


Right now, I just have one question: what is WITH this bizarre country that garden taps are such a scarcity? How am I supposed to water the garden? How am I supposed to nurse that poor bit of scrub back into garden status without liberal watering? It's all very well mumbling about "damp climate" and "haven't watered these roses since 1976"*, but honestly. I can't do this with a watering can you know.

* True story. There was a drought that year, apparently.


glo said...

Wow. Scary.

But, regardless, have renewed desire to visit London since Polo Dude (my brother's web name) has been offered a job there...omigosh! Forgot to tell Cate this...she'll kill me for writing it here, first. Don't tell her, K?

Sarah Cate said...

You're right! I am sooo killing you! How could you not have called me to share such vitally important information the instant you found out?

But will Polo Dude's wife want to move to London?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Scroobious Scrivenings: the place to go for up-to-the-minute, hot-off-the-press, redundantly-adjectived breaking news.


glo said...

Sorry about that. We did hostage your comments big time. Will try to be more respectful but will then derail efforts to allow people to ignore own ignorant behavior by proclaiming, "At least it's not as bad as the Americans."