Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Continuing my pathetic efforts to keep my place in your blogrolls even as I have no online time to actually write anything, like, interesting

Funniest Star Wars parody ever! (And she actually liked the movie, so whatever camp you fall in, you can't not be amused.) [Edit: hat tip to extemporanea. Sorry bout that.]

Aside: am I the only straight woman on the planet who is utterly unmoved by either Hayden or Ewan? (Or, for that matter, Harrison. Or Orlando. The list goes on...)


omar said...

The only thing that matters, Scroob, is whether or not you're moved by Catherine Zeta-Jones.

I don't care how straight you are.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Good aim, Carol (you're very sharp, with the 42, and the man tastes) - Brad, yes, but only when quirky (as discussed over at mMdS). Johnny ALWAYS because he's always quirky. Astonishingly hot.

Also Jude. Creepy, but hot. And Viggo, but *only* as Aragorn. And Mac from Green Wing - but you wouldn't understand, cos you poor Yanks haven't seen that show, and if you just see a picture you totally won't get it. It's not the actor. It's the character. You have to watch and fall in love. There's more. I'll save them for another day's drooling.

Omar: I've been trying to stay out of that whole thing, but no. Really. I'm not jealous - I'm jealous of Monica Bellucci, I'm jealous of Natalie Portman, Cate Blanchett, Christy Turlington, my oh my are there a lot of beautiful women out there - but Catherine? Sorry, no. At least, only in Zorro. (As for straight - I had a quite astonishingly steamy dream the other night involving a handful of nubile young lasses, so no, I'm not claiming that as my excuse either.)

Sarah Cate said...

Star Wars parody should have Very Serious: Do-Not-Read-While-Trying-to-Maintain-Working-Mien Warning attached.

Ewan? Only in Episode III. Otherwise is too skinny British man with bad teeth. Hayden? Disturbingly, yes. But only as super-broody Anakin. Brad? Oh, baby, yes! Viggo? Total agreement - only as Aragorn. Jude? Nope. Don't see what the big deal is there.

Monica Bellucci is GORGEOUS. But if ever there were a woman to make me consider other than total straightness - Angelina Jolie is it.

omar said...

This saddens me. (Including the Johnny Depp thing.)

But then I perked up after you mentioned your dream. So all is well.

omar said...

To clarify:

By "perked up," I meant "cheered up" because it was amusing. In case anyone's mind is in the gutter.

glo said...

Ah, Omar, how well you know me. My mind was totally in the disgusting before you clarified.

Scroob, I could not even focus on the parody because I was so appalled by your comment about Orlando. It's wrong. Get some help. My Orlando Bloom calendar is threatening to forbid our association.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Hm. Failure to be attracted to petulant twit with silly hair and little talent. Hardly mysterious. In fact he's a major reason for me *not* to see a movie. Sorry. Please can we still be friends?

Cate: Angelina? Really? *shrug*

omar said...

Finally, Scroob, I can agree with you on something. Angelina. I shrug in her general direction. I'm not saying she's unattractive, but she ain't all that.