Monday, August 01, 2005

Fascinatingly novel idea

For the first time since arriving in London three years ago, the market price of our rented home*** appears to be within spitting distance of what a bank might be prepared to lend us to buy it.


Does this mean: (a) the market's dropping; (b) we are at last living within our means; (c) rentals are less inflated out here in the sticks; or (d) some combination of the above?

Still wish we could afford to buy that glamorous riverside pad we used to live in, o'course...

* When I say "fascinating" and "novel", of course, you realise I really mean "interesting enough to distract me from work** for a fleeting moment" and "not at all new but for the first time possibly with some relation to reality".
** And yes, I really am working at 11pm, and this explains why I'm so desperate to wab, which is sad really since I'm absolutely knackered and should be focusing on finishing the damn job so I can go to bed. But if I weren't so knackered I'd be able to focus and finish quickly. But I am knackered. So I'm wabbing. I'm sorry, I'm not making any sense. I need sleep. Not much sleep last night. Dammit.
*** This is not in fact our home. Our home is not, fortunately, for sale at this point. But all the streets hereabout are pretty much identical - yes, this is a little depressing - and this flat is very much like ours, as well as very near ours. It seems to have been done up a bit better though, so ours is probably a bit cheaper. Of course, this garden has not had the benefit of my obsessive attention. I'm sure my War on Weeds has upped the market value of our place considerably. Maybe I should ask for a rental discount.


Anonymous said...

You live in the sticks.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I'm aware. In fact I have said so many times. But there are benefits, like enough room to swing a cat. Two, in fact.