Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I have had perfectly polished nails for almost two whole days now, with nary a sign of chipping. I must be growing up.

However, I don't seem to have gained much in the way of self-awareness, over the course of three decades. I'm still caught quite unawares every time my body affects my mood. As for instance the onset of excessive grump that has been hitting me roughly once a month. I turn into a tantrumy overgrown toddler and then am quite surprised to discover, a day or so later, that there might have been a hormonal reason for that little outburst...

Or, consider those occasions when I'm Coming Down With Something. Just t'other day, Beloved asked me if I was getting sick. When I realised (about a day later; I'm a bit slow) that yes, I was, I mentioned to him how my mother always knew I was getting sick before I did, because I'd get all tearful and pathetic over the slightest thing, and would insist that no, really, this broken nail (say) was terribly upsetting and the whole world was against me.

"Like how you almost cried over Movable Type on Sunday?" he said.

Oh. Yes. Like that.

(And yes, I will be migrating to MT shortly. I'm trying to set up two MT blogs at the same time — one shiny new Scroobious, one Purlescence. And I've come to realise I'm just not clever enough for this and shoulda settled for Typepad*. Luckily I have Beloved to help... if I can just get him when we're both awake and at home.)

* No, I shouldn't. Easy, but not nearly flexible enough. So.


Bill C said...

I've not tried MT but I get the sense it's not one of the easier set-ups in blogware land. In other words MT should be saying, "It's not you, it's me."

patroclus said...

Heh. It's only since I've lived on my own (at the grand age of 35) that I've noticed the - ahem - monthly pattern to my moods. Before, I just assumed I'd picked really annoying men as boyfriends/husbands. I don't suppose that should make me laugh, but it does.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Ah P, that is cute. You don't mind if I laugh along with you?

Jam, thanks for that; I was feeling quite woefully inadequate. Actually I do still suspect (er, know, really) that much of my frustration is due to basic in-Net-titude, as it were, but let it go. We'll let MT take the blame. And more importantly, let my very patient Beloved do all the hard work. I'll just write the words.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

PS. Three days and the nails are still good. Go me!

omar said...

"Almost" crying over Movable Type is like a victory. It almost broke you, but it didn't. It has broken several before you, so there should be no shame in "almost" crying. Movable Type has almost brought me to tears on several occasions.

But it also brings me so much joy...

patroclus said...

Happy birthday, Scroob!

(It is today, isn't it?)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Gosh. Thank you all very kindly for your words of support. Omar, I thought for sure you'd be pointing and laughing. We shall prevail, never fear...

Patroclus, I've clearly been far too vague about this whole birthday thing. It's actually on Sunday, though originally I planned to start the celebrations today. On the principle that one day is just not enough for a birthday. Anyway, you get the First Birthday Wisher hat. It's not red velvet; but then again, it is in a parallel universe, it can be whatever you want it to be.

Nail report: some signs of wear, but still remarkably Chip-Free.