Thursday, March 09, 2006

Because it's my civic duty

Help Candy googlebomb Bill Napoli.

But only if you think rape is only a problem when the victim is really religious. If you think atheists don't mind, or that it's okay to rape someone who wasn't "saving herself", feel free to ignore this.


ThePurpleOwl said...

Hmmm. Sounds like Bill Napoli is not only a fuckwit, but also needs an anatomy lesson. Surely sodomy does not lead to pregnancy... and therefore his 'real-life' example can never occur, and no woman could ever get an abortion.

Oh, wait; that's probably his point, isn't it?

Bombs away...

Anonymous said...

*chewing on my desk*

Spinsterella said...

Does anyone else think that Napoli sounded like he was really enjoying the thought of a religious young virgin getting brutally raped?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Oh yes. For sure. The Googlebomb does seem to have worked, btw. Yay the subversive power of the interweb!