Wednesday, March 01, 2006

March 2006: the Scroobious preview

Coming soon!!! Blogging to look forward to in the month ahead:

Whining about the weather
Heavyhanded hints about my birthday
More whining about the weather
Whining about my heavy workload
Did I mention my birthday?
Whining about the bloody weather, bloody country, I should go back and live somewhere with a real climate
Blogging against sexism on International Women’s Day
I’ll be turning 30 soon, please make the pain go away
Ooh, hangover
Sunshine! No, hang on, it’s already gone again*
Whining about bloody Mercury going bloody retrograde again, which is just bound to wreak havoc with giftage, not that that should stop you
Footnotes, obviously***
And to round it all off, maybe a special bloggy surprise. If I can be arsed.

Are you excited yet??? I know I am!!!

Ooh! Somebody's just given me a box of chocolates for no good reason! I take it all back. This month is going to be fabulous.

* This is a projection based on past experience. In fact today is sunny and gorgeous. As long as you don't actually venture outside. This being the fundamental difference between here and Real Places: weather forecasts truthfully say only "bright" rather than "sunny". Because "sunny" would imply warmth. [insert hollow laughter] Yesterday I saw people sitting eating their lunch at pavement tables, so desperate were they to enjoy the illusion of spring. This despite the fact that a mere five minutes later it was snowing. What is that? Jakkals trou met pikkewyn se vrou?**
** Non-Saffers, don't ask, it'll only confuse you.
*** Not sure what it says about my state of mind that (almost) the only full sentences in this post are in the footnotes.


the Beep said...

today, at about 09:00, I saw a man in an open topped car. It was -3 deg at the time. he was heavily hatted and coated.
two words cam to mind. One of them was Twat.
Mind you, it was a Merc.

May I also take a moment to wish you happy birthday for later in the month. I may miss it otherwise, because I doubt you'll let us know it's coming up ....

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Goodness, how remiss of me. It's the 26th. I expect you all to diarise this at once.

And thank you.

Maybe the Twat's car was suffering a roofage breakdown and the poor dear had no choice but to go topless. I mean, it was a Merc. Those things break down all the time.

Bill C said...

Diarise: clearly superior to pretending 'diary' doubles as a verb.

I *hate* hearing "grow your business" etc. Such things make nails on a chalkboard seem melodic.

YMMV (your monkeys may vary).

ThePurpleOwl said...

I was going to say, Scroob, that I'm not likely to forget: your birthday is the day after my brother's. I probably *am* likely to forget, though, because his is his 21st. I have a tendency to forget things on the day after 21st celebrations. Funny about that.

Birthday wishes, just in case - even though I think there are too many DVDs and not enough books on your wish list. ;-)

I won't tell you that (despite it now being Autumn) we are still having a heatwave. Ooops, I did tell you. Anyway, I'd still swap you weather-wise.

Unexpected gifts are wonderful - I just got one myself (see my blog if you want to know - once again I am too lazy to link).

fysfubws: the word you all say under your breath when you see I'm making another of my unnecessarily long comments.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Unnecessarily long? No such thing. And thank you. But not for the weather commentary.

Jam, I felt my heart stop as I stared into the abyss of a world in which people say "I'll diary that." Thank heavens I have been spared. So far. I'm still struggling with "incentivise".

Anonymous said...

Jackal marrying a penguin's wife? How odd. It sure beats a Monkey's wedding anyway.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Well, like jakkals trou met wolf se vrou, but colder. You do know that version, right?