Thursday, January 13, 2005

All hail the god of pharmaceuticals!

I have always said, no matter how much I look like I was born a few hundred years too late, there are two reasons I'm very glad to be living when I am: plumbing, and medicine. I like toilets, I like hot running water, and I really like knowing that whatever dread disease I may develop, I am never likely to find myself biting on a stick while some brandy-soaked barber hacks me open with a rusty razor*.

But right now I also really, really, really like extra-strength Disprin. Yesterday I developed horrid muscle aches (probably coming down with the flu, after all, it has been a month hasn't it?); by this morning it had developed into truly evil back pain and an insidious headache**. Then I popped the magic pills. La! I feel fine!

Let's hear it for painkillers - RAH!
*shakes pompom*

*Fascinating true story: the world record for amputation speed was held by one London chap who lopped off a leg in 35 seconds. Unfortunately, he also managed to lop off the victim's - er, I mean patient's - right testicle, and three fingers from the assistant who was holding him down. All three - surgeon, assistant and patient - died. Blood poisoning.
**beep beep. Is that my Karma Call?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ROTFLMAO at the speedy surgeon story