Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Blinkered vision

I find myself completely and utterly uninterested in trawling through rails of tatty fashions looking for the ultimate sale bargain. The prospect of picking up cute little party shoes, or another practical coat, appeals not at all. I was almost starting to feel virtuously Above All That - not materialistic, me - as I contemplated how utterly uninspired I am to add to my stock of stuff. Then I started revisiting some knitting websites.


Any time I claim to be Over Shopping, ask me about Colinette yarns, or Lantern Moon knit accessories, or Rowan anything. Yumyumyum. It's like books: I walk into a really great shop, I want everything, no matter that I can't possibly find the room to store it or the time to read/knit it. That's not the point. It is perfect, it must be mine. How did Stuff get to be about self-expression?

Or is that just me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Stuff = you. Seriously. What do i have in my house? You'll note (haha) three things: CDs, books, and piles of sheet music. I don't have any furniture really, coz it isn't important to me that i own any.

Er, so Wallpaper i am not; Gramaphone i am.

Get thee to a knitspot and create!