Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Don't say I never do anything for you

For those readers who insist on accusing me of being a Smug Married (look, it may be true, but just shurrupalready, okay?) (What's that? You will if I will? Have you no spirit of romance? Don't you like hearing about Twoo Wuv? What - AAAHHhhh... *splat*)

[Picks self up. Dusts off cyberanvil debris. Pushes head back into shape.]

Well. I give you this.

Just in time for Valentine's Day.


Anonymous said...

Loving Bittersweets immensely. Ha! Will order box for self as Valentine's. Though i may be happily besmitten by then, which will really get in the way of my jaded, cynical attitude. Am being flirted with by a young Aries who thinks i'm *so* smart and *so* interesting.

Well, it's about time!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Golly. I've got loads. And I don't understand it, because they're all amazing, gorgeous, fabulous people. So how come your friends are getting all the luck?