Monday, January 24, 2005

I'm learning get clever. Only a little bit clever, but then, I'm just starting to learn. First step: I have added a little link rack (look right, down a bit, under recent posts and before archives... there you go). Some blogs I read fairly obsessively, and the second bunch are blogs of people I actually know. Still to come, lots more links.

Oh, and they'll open in new windows, too. Hot diggity, I'm clever.

What I really want to know, though, is: how do I make... thingies... you know, when you hold the pointer over a link and some wise words pop up telling you what that's about? How do I do that? And what's it called? Probably if I knew what it was called I could find out how to do that. I bet it would be a good start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you worked this out yet? Going by the links in your blog, no. Go here for illumination.