Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Hypochondria alert

How would you know if you had a blood clot, say, in your leg? I just want to know. I have a tendency to occasionally imagine that there is no other explanation for whatever random pain I'm experiencing - especially after longhaul flights and so on. But I'm not about to haul off to a doctor so that she can clip me over the ear for wasting her time. Because after all, if I did have a blood clot, I almost certainly wouldn't know about it, because I have absolutely no bloody idea what the symptoms would be.

So I'm sure that I do not, in fact, have blood clot issues. All the same... it would be nice to know.

In other random health news, I have a persistent and severely uncomfortable ache in my general tailbone region. Ouch. I read yesterday that oversleeping is liable to cause lower back pain from inactivity. But surely that's not why I've been suffering for the past week. Surely.

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