Sunday, January 09, 2005

Is it too late to ask Santa?

There's merchandising, and then there's merchandising. Every now and then someone in the 'find all kinds of crap to sell people who like the movie' department has a stroke of genius. First, there was the Nimbus 2000, for female Harry Potter fans of all ages; too bad they had to discontinue it*.

But last night I saw something I really, really want. It's the closest thing you'll get to a real Stitch (of Lilo & fame): a Stitch hand puppet. I can't find one on the web, tragically (this particular item was bought at Disneyworld Florida. Or is it Disneyland? Whatever). Closest I can find is this, but this is obviously a puppet, I mean it doesn't have feet or anything. The one I saw looked like a regular plushie. But the genius of it is, once you stick your hand up his bum, he's alive! I would not have thought I could get so excited by a plush toy. (Then again I was three or four vodkas down by that stage.) It was fetish territory. Seriously. I have to have one. I just have to. Maybe I should start planning a trip to Florida... or would that be going just a little bit overboard?

Ooh! Must start begging favours of anyone I know in the US!

*Spoilsports. Why shouldn't a 12-year-old have a vibrator?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wierd. Knowing that Eszter has one, I assumed that it was obtainable in the UK. Nuh uh! Must have been a cunning international Santa.