Friday, October 21, 2005

Blah. Blahblahblah. Also, blah.

To bed at 11. Up at 1.30 to let the cat in*. Up at 3.30 to let the cat out**. Beloved up at 5.30 to let the cat in.

Between 1.30 and 5.30 I dozed a little. After that, not at all. You know what time I had to get up today? 9.45. That's how long I could have slept in. In theory.

I got up and tried to surf myself to sleep, but the internet was broken. (Seriously. Everyone and their aunt - not you, extemp - must have had the same idea.) Only thing that wasn't broken was Cube Bugs. Which was actually not a bad idea, since by the time I had done level 16, my eyes were going squiffy and I thought I could sleep some more. I almost could.

I think I have to quit drinking coffee.

Also, the thyme on my kitchen windowsill is all mouldy, the mint is all brown, and the basil is all anaemic. What's up with that?

But on the plus side, today I'm going to have an enormous mocha milkshake*** at Ed's Easy Diner, and then I'm going to the legendary Ronnie Scott's to be a member of a Live studio audience! for something or other. I have no idea, really, a friend had tickets. Then back to the office, where I'll doodle over some freelance work, and then to a birthday dinner at Ciao Bella.

There are worse ways to spend a Friday.

Edit: By the time I'd taken a bus from Vauxhall to Trafalgar Square - i.e., right through the thick of Westminster, also known as Tourist Central - the sun was shining in that particularly delicious way it has after heavy rain, and I was filled with a remarkable sense of wellbeing. I smiled indulgently at the ridiculous tourists taking pictures of each other in red telephone booths****, and the even more ridiculous Queen's Guards on their beautiful black horses who have to stand still all day. (Poor horses. They never signed up for this.) I beamed at Alison Lapper on her plinth*****. And when I actually sat down at Ed's, I positively chortled at the lovely lady handing me an Oreo cookie shake.

And then the taping was enormous fun. It was for a radio show called It's Been a Bad Week, which pokes fun at current affairs - a bit like Have I Got News For You! but with sound effects. Lots of unfortunate bird flu jokes and other bad taste. Loved it. Especially the retakes - so much fun watching actors pissing about, making off-colour jokes, trying to throw each other off balance... Altogether though, it was a wonderfully oldfashioned experience, sitting in a smoky jazz club watching a radio show being performed. Or perhaps "timeless" is the word. Anyway.

I'm in a really fabulous mood now. Unreasonably fabulous. Must be the lack of sleep.

Oddly enough, the poll on the company intranet today is "How are you?". Yes, they're scraping the bottom of the barrel, and yes, that's funny in itself. I found it peculiar, though, that the three possible responses were: "Fine thanks", "Could be better" or "Not good. Not good at all." Clearly it's inconceivable that anybody at work on a Friday afternoon could be feeling any better than just, oh, fine...

* For those who question why I let the cat in on demand: she keeps scratching at the door till I do, so I can't sleep anyway. Also, I'm not completely heartless, it could be raining.
** For those who question why I let the cat out on demand: she turns into a monster freak who wanders around yowling, scratching the bed and/or knocking things over until I do. Sometimes she's perfectly happy to be scooped up, dumped on the bed and drowsily scratched into restfulness (takes about 1 second). Sometimes she's still perfectly happy for this to occur, but instead of falling asleep, after 10 minutes she'll bounce up and resume the crazy.
*** Or maybe a mocha and brandy. Heh. That'll cheer me up.
**** Something Beloved definitely, absolutely, never even considered doing. Nope.
***** "But is it art?" Hell, yes.


Sarah Cate said...

But why no arms on the pregnant woman? Seems to me a pregnant woman would especially need those arms.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Read the wiki (Alison Lapper link). Lapper was born without arms, or much by way of legs. She has nonetheless managed to live as a completely successful and independent adult, an admired artist (unsurprisingly, the Venus de Milo is a particular influence), and most astounding of all, a capable single mother.

A lot of critics have complained that this piece is all very noble, but not Art. It's too worthy, too literal, too embarrassing, whatever. I find it both moving and lovely, thus meeting my terribly stringent standards for Art. (But then we all know what a well informed art critic I am.)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

PS. By "read the wiki" I did not mean "why haven't you read the wiki you silly bint". I just meant, there you will find more and better information than I'm about to give you. Then it occurred to me it might sound a bit rude. Sorry.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Oh Demosthenes, you snob. "Would never in a million years dress up in earnest"? What does that even mean? How, exactly, is dressing up in a lighthearted and ironic manner distinguished from dressing up "in earnest"? And what makes you confident you can tell the difference in others?

WhatEVah. Have a fabulous time.

Sarah Cate said...

Oh. Um. Never mind me. I'm just over here enjoying a fine meal of my own foot.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Mmmm. Toes. :-)

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Share your brandy with the cat. He will sleeeeep :-)

vivaldifan said...

Oh, yes - serious sleep deprivation sometimes has this fantastic effect of making everything seem completely lovely. And have you had the experience of, say, travelling overseas and not sleeping on the plane and effectively being up for a day and a half and then suddenly getting this mad rush of energy?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Heh. No. But I think I know someone who has...

glo said...

I have a nearly uncontrollable desire to dress up as Neville's grandmother dressed up as Snape.

As for the post, sounds hecka fun, Scroob! Glad it turned around...and I never needed any explanation for why you let the cat out on demand...