Thursday, October 13, 2005

Perhaps that explains it

Beloved is upset with me. He claims I've been slandering the Swiss. I don't see it at all. Apart from pointing out - quite truthfully - that they're all bonkers, I haven't said anything objectionable. Have I?

However, I'm just about to.

Today's Worthless Word is ultramontane. Two of its three definitions* follow.

1) situated beyond the (Alps) mountains;
3) claiming an absolute supremacy or a privileged

I think I now understand the Swiss a little bit better. Their sense of superiority is lexicographically induced.

* The other is to do with the Pope and not relevant to present discussion.


Bill C said... defines slander as " A false and malicious statement or report about someone."

I'm sure this will help.

jxmzj: Hungarian for entropy.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Slander? They love mountains, and are super efficient, and clean and eat a lot of cheese...that's slander? Awww.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Yeah, Guyana Gyal, and to back up the claim that I was being rude, he quoted you. He thought your comment that "I know some lovely Swiss people!" *obviously* meant that you were leaping to the defence of those I was slandering. Chip on shoulder, much.