Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Purple prose

Today I am clad head to toe in berry and plum shades. This being one of my two favourite colour families (the other is teal), I'm quite enjoying it. (Also, my aubergine lace tights are just lovely.) But! Quelle horreur!

Today's Daily Mail has a bit of puffery - it's so far from having any real content, I'm amazed they even printed it - on Madonna showing up at something or other clad head to toe in purple. Apparently this is the colour of the season (well, duh) and "she looks just fantastic".

I'm in anguish. I'm dressed like MADONNA! And my fashion choice has been approved by the DAILY MAIL!

Oh, the shame, the shame...


ThePurpleOwl said...

Hooray for purple!

Few and far between are the days when I wear none of this glorious family of colours. The purple's almost always there, even if not immediately visible... ;-)

Madonna Schmadonna. Your purple-clad state has much more integrity; after all, I bet she wore it purely *because* it's the colour of the season, and you (and I) would never, never do that.

reriwtuz: the type of blog-comment revision that this Owl in forced to engage in when trying to type coherently too late at night.

omar said...

Aubergine. I had to look that one up.

Anyway, what's wrong with dressing like Madonna? (Just so you know, I couldn't even type that with a straight face.)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

lol! Prowl (you don't mind the abbreviation, do you?), amused mightily by your word definition, I am.

You also remind me of the time (tragically and very much against my volition consigned to the past) when there was never a day I wasn't wearing velvet. Even in midsummer. It might have just been a trim on a lighter garment, but velvet was always present. I miss those days.

Omar, aubergine=eggplant=brinjal - but you know that by now. My mother once asked her brother (who lives with her and does the grocery shopping) to get some aubergines. He came home and said - in all seriousness - sorry, they didn't have any, but he got some brinjals instead.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

PS. I am, obviously, not going to dignify that Madonna question.

ThePurpleOwl said...

Oh, so you *are* a 'material' girl?

I am tempted to pull my purple and velvet cape out of its quiet corner of the wardrobe and wear it to work in your honour, Scroobius. Too bad all the battle-hardened soldiers would probably laugh at me...

bdsunyex: the act of makin' whoopy on a bed that you've had to drag outside because it's such a nice day. Hmmm.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Ah, if only there were some decent weather, I could just do with some nice bdsunyex. ;-)

I am definitely a material girl. Velvet, silk... I'm very fussy about fabrics. Or yarns, for that matter.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

How comes you know the word 'brinjal' Scroobious?

There's good purple and funeral purple. Plum. I like the sound of that.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I never think of purple as a funeral colour. I'm not mad about flat, crayon-y purple though; I like the more plummy, auberginey varieties.

I'm not supposed to know the word brinjal? Honestly, I don't know what's supposed to be the preferred English word for that plant. I tend to use them interchangeably.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I just thought 'brinjal' was such an Indian word, and only folks in India knew it, or so I thought.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

An Indian word - that might explain it. With such huge Indian populations in both South Africa and England, it must have gotten smoothly absorbed into the language without my even realising where it came from.