Thursday, January 26, 2006

I feel a meme coming on

Original content, later. Lazy blogging, now.

Four jobs I have done

Changing nappies on mostly grown children
Call centre minion
Handing out leaflets in Africa's largest office building (population: a bunch of actuaries) while dressed as a frontier ho*
Punning for a living

Four movies I can watch over and over

The Princess Bride
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Bring It On

Four places I have lived

Cape Town

Four TV shows I love to watch

West Wing
Gilmore Girls
Days of Our Lives***

Four places I have been on holiday

Cape Town
Johannesburg (seriously)

Four of my favourite dishes

Ben & Jerry's Dublin Mudslide
Salmon in a Rushdie sushi box from Itsu
That nougat ice cream with chocolate shell and cherry coulis from Cafe Paradiso in Kloof Street
Johnny Depp

Four websites I visit daily

Um, only Google. But three regulars:
Guardian Unlimited
Purlescence shopping cart admin
Little Red Boat

Four places I would rather be right now

Somewhere snowy, fighting with a pair of skis. I married into the land of Alps and chocolate, and I have still never been skiing. Whisky Tango Foxtrot, over?****
Cape Town. Duh.
On a yacht somewhere in the Pacific, sipping a champagne cocktail and reviewing the day's skyhigh takings from my global knitting empire on my stylish laptop, while minions tend the various forts.
Under the duvet, knitting, with cats on my lap and Buffy on the telly.

Oh hang on. I can totally do that.

[cartoon dust cloud]

* Supposedly I was dressed as the wife of the insurance company's founder. But "Mexican bordello" seemed to be the inspiration behind the only dress the hire shop had in my size.
** Of all the many, many things I could say about Sasolburg, I'll just give you the most surprising: it had the largest and best municipal library I have ever seen, anywhere, ever.
*** Just wishful thinking. Haven't seen it since I left SA. Nope, still not done whining about that.
**** copyright Cate


ThePurpleOwl said...

Aaaaaarrrrggghhh, phonetic alphabet... get it away from me...


Sorry 'bout that. Where I work, I get the old "whiskey tango foxtrot" thrown at me at least once a day - bloody soldiers think it's funny because they think none of us civvies know what they mean. (It's the ALPHABET, fellas, not a foreign language!) It gets old fast, believe me.

Anyway, as you were.

"Punning for a living." Ha!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Dem: Thanks, although I'm sure you're wrong about that. I just like to talk about myself. Sad, really.

Prowl: Oops, sorry. And that's how a friend introduced me at a party. I've never felt so proud of my job.

Bill C said...

Minion: One of my absolute all-time favorite words. Thanks for using it.

vivaldifan said...

I am not ashamed to say I watched Bring It On again last weekend. So there. Deride me as you wish, but I'm with Scroob on this one. It's the flipping. Of the girls through the air. I don't know why, but it's sexy, and the movie is *so* much fun that you really can't find Kirsten Dunst 100% annoying, which I have in every other movie. Plus, it has fantastic lines, such as: 'And if stop eating for long enough, maybe your body will eat your ass'.

And Johannesburg is most certainly a place one can go on holiday. *Far* better weather - not to mention more predictable - than Cape Town, and no Poms setting things alight. Lots to do, actually, provided you don't want to go to the beach.